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Grace Ippolito

Group Leader, Staff


Grace Ippolito


For dealing with everything so well and for always doing what is best for the campers. - Matt S

Grace Ippolito


Grace is always enthusiastic with the kids and is able to solve all difficult situations and behaviors. She has amazing patience and is always making camp fun for her camper. - Meredith

Grace Ippolito


Grace is always so patient and engaging with the campers! And she’s an amazing group leader :) - Malana M

Grace Ippolito


thank you for being such a a huge help during PM care and bringing the kiddos safely to the car! - kayla rivera

Grace Ippolito


thank you for being such a huge help during pm care between bringing kids to cars and calling there name! i appreciate you always - kayla rivera

Grace Ippolito


For holding down JB 2 and for always being so calm in every situation. I wish I was more like grace! - Matt S

Kayla Rivera
Caleb Bento
Kate Pegoraro
and 13 more


Thank you all for being so awesome during PM care! Each and every one of you deserve a pat on the back for your dedication to stay the extra hour and watch the kids. :) - Jayden Cruz

All staff members


Wheeler camp is so fun! - Avery rocha

All staff members


Thank you to all the campers who are so great to Callum & Clodagh ❤️ love hearing about their day, and all the acorns Clodagh brings home to tell us about her adventures. - Caitriona spratt

All staff members
Noteworthy Hylite


The level of preparation, attention to detail, and kindness coming from this camp is incomparable. The teams are patient, kind, and caring, every single day. Upon drop off, I know my child is safe, happy, and will have tons of fun - you all should be VERY proud! Thank you for building such a warm and welcoming space for our kids. - All Parents

Grace Ippolito


For being so caring and patient with our daughter, Ruby. We greatly appreciate you, Grace! - Jed and Nicole Mahoney

Grace Ippolito


Thank you for always being so kind, i appreciate all your help during pm when running kids to cars! I love how much of a hard worker you are and how much devotion you put into not only your job but the kiddos as well - kayla rivera

All staff members


They all work very hard to make camp fun for the kids!

Matthew Silveira
Avery Thomas
Grace Lynch
and 4 more


they help me with so many things and i love having them as my co counselors. they are so nice, caring, and productive. they are amazing to work with. - dallas

Grace Ippolito


She is responsible, caring and kind to all campers. No matter what happens she always remains calm and does what is best for the kids. - Matt S

Grace Ippolito


So great with all the kids and making camp fun and for always doing too much!!

Grace Ippolito


So good with the kids when they’re feeling down! Brightens them right up! - Bea

Beatrice H
Grace Ippolito


They work so well with all the kids and is very level headed when it comes to difficult situations