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Ava S

Group Counselor, Staff


Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/18/23

Ava is awesome. No questions asked. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and a great counselor! It was such a pleasure working with you and I’m so happy I got the chance to meet you. ❤️ - Jayden Cruz

Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/18/23

thank you for everything! it was truly a blast being able to work side by side with you and jayden this summer you both knew how to make it enjoyable for both me and the campers! i hope to see you again next summer, and throughout the school year but good luck on the upcoming school year! - kayla rivera

All staff members

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/17/23

Wheeler camp is so fun! - Avery rocha

All staff members

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/14/23

Thank you to all the campers who are so great to Callum & Clodagh ❤️ love hearing about their day, and all the acorns Clodagh brings home to tell us about her adventures. - Caitriona spratt

All staff members

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/11/23

The level of preparation, attention to detail, and kindness coming from this camp is incomparable. The teams are patient, kind, and caring, every single day. Upon drop off, I know my child is safe, happy, and will have tons of fun - you all should be VERY proud! Thank you for building such a warm and welcoming space for our kids. - All Parents

Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/04/23

Ava is so great because she’s a gentle person—she talks calmly and is very nice to kids. She always treats them well!! - Finn Gagnon León

Jayden C
Ava S
Catherine O
and 12 more

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/03/23

all of lower staff are wonderful! they all work incredibly hard so all the kids have fun at wheeler. i appreciate you all! - kayla rivera

Catherine O
Ava S
Jayden C

Generate Noteworthy Certificate08/01/23

just THANK YOU! for simply being you! the fabulous flamingos adore you! we all work so well together and make a strong, hardworking, passion-driven team! love you all so much! INCREDIBLY GREATFUL FOR YOU 3 WONDERFUL LADIES! wouldn’t want my summer any other way 🩷 (look forward to the rest of amazing summer with you all thank you for making my workload easier) - kayla rivera

Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate07/26/23

Thank you for all that you do for me & Jayden! You are such a sweet soul and the kids adore you! Thank you for making camp a place we’re kids can enjoy themselves! - kayla rivera

All staff members

Generate Noteworthy Certificate07/26/23

They all work very hard to make camp fun for the kids!

Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate06/23/23

For stepping in and doing a great job in Lower 2! - Matt S.

Ava S

Generate Noteworthy Certificate06/23/23

I love her positivity and her kindness! Ava is a gentle human being that can solve problems when they arise and she deserves to be recognized for that. - Jayden Cruz